Monday, March 4, 2013


 My goals    
SPORT I want to get in the school reps.

Art I love art so I draw cars motorbikes and guns.   I paint a lot of things too.

 Spelling I need to get better at spalling and use harder words not easy words.                                            
QUINNEY'S BUSH CAMP 2013                                                        

On Tuesday th12 of March Room four went on camp to Friday.   We set up the tent and then we did orienteering at one oclock. We went to the river and swam. The river was good and warm.  After the swim we did the waterslide I had about three or four goes and then did the flying fox which was awesome and then we played T-ball. I said that Astin my cousin should have come  because he plays it as sport.                                                                                                                                                

Because Mr B puts up his time to take us on camp and because we work good so he takes us and to learn about people and friends.


Did you know:

  1. Saturn does not have 31 moons it has 53
  2. Saturn has a red storm as well as Jupiter
  3. The distance from the sun is 1,427 million kilometres
  4. Saturn"s rings are frozen dust 
  5. The suface temperature is 180'c
  6. Saturn is mainly made of gas and liquid with a small rocky core
  7. Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun
Saturn is one of the gas giants and other gas giants are Jupiter , Uranus and Neptune.                                 


BOOK WEEK                                                      

We have book week to inspire people to read books and to advertise the school. I came as Harry Potter.  We did a parade around the street and we went through the kindy and went back to the school