Monday, March 4, 2013




Hi my name is Monique and my goals are:
1. To get better at maths and get better at long addition and subtraction.
2. Get better and swimming.
3. I would like to get better at sports.


I have been tired lately because of our big trip to Quinneys Bush. My mum came along to camp with me. I think she had more fun than I did! On the last day me and Emma went down the water slide without a board. First we went down back to back and then we went down on our stomachs with one arm out in front and one arm linked over each others shoulders. I got my mum wet and so did Emma. The red spinning thing was quite fun too. It was a person powered spinning machine! Half the time I refused to push it! If I wrote everything i would be here for months so lets just say camp was sooooooooo fantastic!



Did you know:
  1.  In China they have different star signs.
  2. There are over 80 constellations!
  3. constellations are the darker stars
  4. everybody has a star sign so a particular constellations.



Every year Parklands School has a book week. We have book week to try and get all the readers more inspired to read and the non readers to read more! We had heaps of activities for book week like DEAR    
( drop every thing and read ) Roald Dahl quiz and every day we had a teacher come and read a story to us. At the end of the week we hat a huge parade around the town. I came as Creepella Von Craklefur LOL. Mr B thought it was a tounge twister. Nobody knew who i was and not because the of me as the character...

Marc Chagall

Hello it is almost the end of term 3 and room 4 has been learning about famous artists. My famous artist I was learning about was Mark Chagall. Here are 5 facts about him.
1. Marc Chagall was friends with Pablo Picasso
2. Marc Chagall was born in Belarus 1887 and lived until the age of 97.
3. Marc Chagalls father worked in a fish factory.
4. Marc Chagalls mother worked in a shop where backing supplies and fish were sold.
5. Marc Chagalls real name was Moishe Seagal
Also they way Marc painted was using lots of difrent swirls and patterns which is called impressioning.
Some of Marcs paintings  you cant really understand because of all the detail in his painting. Here is a picture of his painting.

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